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Simple pleasurers of life

I was just sitting at the window having a cup of hot coffee, when a thought just brushed my mind…I just closed my eyes and visualized that I was siting at the window but not of my apartment but of a tiny shack built atop a hill amongst the farms and I had the green covered mountain and clouds kissing it and moving ahead for my company….it had just rained and the the mountain looked as if it was draped in a greeny robe… the wind sprayed the rain droplets on my face and left tiny diamond like drops in my hair… when I opened my eyes I felt rejuvenated…for those few seconds I was transferred to a peaceful place of my dreams…..

This kind of day dreaming really helped me…i mean in our busy lives we get so much carried away by our work and get engulfed in the daily routine that we totally forget what we like..what we enjoy doing the most…we forget the simple pleasures of life…
Forget what the world says…ignore if somebody laughs…just listen to your heart and take a trip down the memory lane…when we were kids what we had all done….and lets be the original ourselves…

  • Walking barefoot on beach..with waves brushing against your feet and your feet sinking into the warm sand......
  • running your hands over the leaves….

  • swaying against the tree trunk…

  • swinging on the swing in rain… matter how old you are…

  • making paper boats and sailing them in small water puddles in the garden…

  • standing atop a high point and spreading your arms and feeling the wind…getting the feel of flying……..À la titanic…..

  • running at full speed in d grasslands….as kajol in ddlj in d sarso ka khet…

  • lying on your back on the grass….staring at the star studded sky…..

  • go para-sailing……

  • sitting atop a mountain and gorging on d wonderful view beneath….

  • sitting on the beach and watching the sun set……..till the stars start twinkling…

  • lying under a tree and playing hide n seek with the sun rays penetrating through the branches n d leaves of d tree….

  • watching soft romantic movies when its heavily raining outside..with some hot chocolate and lots of pop corns…

  • driving to some destination with your best pals singing your favourite songs at full volume…

  • buying flowers and presenting it to old grannies…..

  • splashing your room with different colours in different strokes and make it as you like( let your parents go crazy)

  • buying something (even though its silly) from the kid who sells the stuff on the traffic signals and pretending that you don’t have change allow him to keep the rest of the money…a smile on the kid’s face will give you much more happiness than buying something from a shrude mall store…
  • walking bare foot on the grass ….feeling the dew..
  • opening the windows of your car..chuck the AC…and allowing the breeze to play with your hair...
  • gorging on your favourite ice cream…its ok even if you are a teeth clean freak..
  • arranging a meal for your parents and setting a candle light meal right at your place..(they will ask you to join you…but you know what to do….)

  • paying a surprise visit to your school teachers when they are teaching…you’ll see them gleaming with pride when they introduce you to their class saying”this was my student..”

  • treating the street children to some chocolates…

  • going through your family albums with your family and discussing all the hilarious things that you did in your childhood.

  • giving your parents a card which says that you love them…

  • and finally DAY DREAM….of some place where you want to go desperately… of the thing you have been wanting to experience..

These small simple pleasures of your life can help you immensely….the joy that you get from these things can never be compared to the most expensive thing you buy…


aativas said…
hello, nice writing. wud love to read more on this page. so, pls continue writing.
also had some difficulty in reading the text specially where u have put .....s
i am 'following' ur blog....
Karan said…
Hi Amruta... this is one of th most lovely posts i hv come across... it is so sweetly written.. imean th smaal things that u hv pointed out to... its ... im at loss for words... its simply awesome...

listnin to ur heart... walkin barefoot on th beach... sititn on a swing in th rain... oh how i want to do that... para sailing... buyin flowers fr old grannies... buyin stuff frm kids at traffic signals... giving them chocolates... evrything that u hv written.. so elaborately... its superb..!! have a huge smile on my face aftr reading this... :) ...

i see that u hvnt writtn anything after this post.. pls continue writing.. u r very good... :) ..

VIDULA said…
Hey AMRUTA!!m really feeling so pleasant aftr reading this post!!!like u mentioned in our bsy lives n tensions we somehow 4get to smile!!!ur ths post m sure shall refresh n bring a smile unkowingly on evry1's face!!U have a good knack of writing!!!pls keep it up!!waiting 4 more posts!!!
Harshad said…
Hello mam,
The post is relly nice and refreshing.
I would love to do all these things provided you give the addresses for the places we find green lawns, star studded skies, clean beaches and others..
Sorry but couldn't help!

Indeed a nice post! Liked the Nana- nani post as well.... Wined love ...nice thought
Amruta said…
i knw its quite difficult to find such places now.....

but u knw wt.....if knw how to day dream, u cn visit all these places... :)
VIDYA said…
Amazing post!
The sheer serenity blew me away,I tried visualizing the hilltop scene the way you mentioned it,and it actually DID cheer me up!
Thanks,and do keep penning lovely thoughts like these :)
Geeta said…
all yewr posts make me feel like an ouutttta control braat !

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